Driving Twelve Bar Rock Blues.
I-IV-V in fifths
100BPM only
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By Lee 4 Comments
Driving Twelve Bar Rock Blues.
I-IV-V in fifths
100BPM only
Right click / save as to download mp3
Your sample sounds like a highly-digitally manipulated dog fart but you have eliminated all the smell! My dog’s farts really stink and send everyone running for cover, so I really appreciate your jam tracks.
They allow us to enjoy digital flatulence without any distracting odors – THANKS!
Well, er.. Thanks, I think? :confused: 🙂
I know I’m listening to a I, IV, V, progression in the key of “A”.
I’m thinking the chord progression we are listening to should be spelled out. ie… I, V, IV, I. Target notes on the chord changes would be helpful as well ie… a on the v, a on the iv (7 tones higher). That would Help me IMMENSELY!
Thanks for all your work on this site…it’s really helpful to me. I’m getting closer to getting out of the RUT with the help of your site!
Hi, have only just discovered your site, Man! what a lot of good stuff. Still a learner/beginner, hoping to learn a lot more with all your stuff. Not sure if i have come across it or even if tere is one, but just listening to this 12 bar blues jam track in A…..would you have diags on playing solo with this please.