I-IV-V Practice Track In C major
A simple backing track with a cheesy sort of laid back country feel. Perfect for the I-IV-V practice sessions
The chord progression is C / F / G / C /
Download C major jam track (right click and “save as”)
Hello and thank you for this site! I’m mainly interested in CM jam tracks.
I need a few more 12 bar blues tracks in CM and maybe a few other
chord progression variations in CM.
I already downloaded the two free ones from you, but am willing to pay for the others if you have them.
I don’t have any others right now but do you mean any jam tracks in the key of C major?
The progression is I V IV and not I IV V
Or rather I V IV I (the tonic is repeated twice)
I IV V describes the chords used in the progression, not strictly the order that they are played.
So what is the point of this lesson again. Playing the notes that are used in the chord progression?
The point of the lesson is using Chord Tones, from each chord being played in the progression. Regardless of what key is.