Lick 7 – Position 5, A minor pentatonic lick with chromatic notes.
Licks 7 to 11 use a common three string picking pattern and should be considered half lick half exercise. Most amateur guitarists spend too long playing licks that feel comfortable with the beat, i.e.. changing strings on the beat. The following exercises use a repeated pattern but the right and left hands are much harder to keep with the beat if you aren’t used to playing these types of exercises.
Be sure to practice all of these very slowly and get them perfect. Getting the timing and the accents right is critical to gaining the benefits from this picking pattern. Practice these licks everyday (paying attention to detail) for a month or so and you will see massive improvements in your speed, timing, picking, synchronisation, finger dexterity and all round control when playing guitar.
Lick7 is a position 5 minor pentatonic lick with some added chromatic notes. The same picking pattern is then applied to the natural minor scale at various positions along the neck.
You can download the practice loops for this lick in three tempos, so there’s no excuse not to learn slowly!
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