Guitar Lick 11 – A Natural Minor
You can download the practice loops for this lick in three tempos, so there’s no excuse not to learn slowly!
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By Lee 3 Comments
Guitar Lick 11 – A Natural Minor
You can download the practice loops for this lick in three tempos, so there’s no excuse not to learn slowly!
this like is sweet and is gonna help me loads. in fact this web site is sweet and gonna help loads to lol
A MINOR NATURAL LICK -4. i understand what you are saying gonna do a couple of hours when i get back from asda’s !
ah. This one’s best not to bar the fret, move the first finger to each fret, get used to that it’s easier with a bit of practice. Rolling is used more for when the next played note is on the same fret but this kind of lick gives your fingers more time to move.