Minor Arpeggios and the minor pentatonic
There seems to be a lot of confusion about arpeggios for those who have never played around with them. [Read more…]
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By Lee 6 Comments
Minor Arpeggios and the minor pentatonic
There seems to be a lot of confusion about arpeggios for those who have never played around with them. [Read more…]
By Lee 2 Comments
Breaking down the pentatonic scale
One of the biggest problems with scale positions is if you’re not careful you might end up thinking about them in positions relative to each other, rather than independent scales. [Read more…]
Intervals inside the pentatonic shapes
It’s also important to know the placement of all the chords and intervals within the pentatonic shapes. [Read more…]
All of the previous chord forms were built on triads. A triad is simply a chord containing three notes. [Read more…]
By Lee 10 Comments
The Guitar Rut! … I’m sure most of us guitarists have been in the same situation at some point. We enter the world of lead guitar, learn the minor pentatonic scale, some licks, get the technique down quite well and just as we start sounding pretty good we hit a brick wall! At this point most of us reach the same conclusion.. The pentatonic scale is too limited, we need to learn something new. [Read more…]